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Music to your worldwide ears!

Updated: Nov 10, 2019

After being nominated for a major award for her score of the movie "Encounter"...

...our super talented composer Penka Kouneva releases now "THE STOOGE" full SOUNDTRACK ALBUM (scored in collaboration with Ace Vapstarov).

This soundtrack also includes the smash hit "I DON'T CARE" by Ariel Iglesias, Veronica Zaiter & the LA band "Minimall".

(* Warning: you won't be able to take this song out of your head. Ever !!)

"The Stooge" soundtrack album will be available all around the world,

starting on Friday, November 15th,

Look for it on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora radio, Google play and YouTube play.

If you like what you hear, please share the album with your friends and family!

Enjoy! And email us your comments!

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